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Delivery Driver Accidents

Injuries lawyers team at Frish Law Group, APLC

Frish Law Group, APLC: Passionate personal injury attorneys serving the Greater Los Angeles City

Personalized Legal Guidance When You Need It Most

Innocent victims of accidents can receive compensation for their injuries if another person or business was careless in their actions and caused physical or emotional harm. If you have been injured, you will need a skilled personal injury lawyer to help you recover damages for the economic losses that you may have sustained. Frish Law Group, APLC has the expertise to handle your case and will aggressively pursue your right to compensation. Our attorneys are experienced in California personal injury litigation and will give your case the priority that it deserves.

Tailored Strategies

Just like no two people are the same, neither are their cases. We always find the best way to solve your case to fit your needs.


Our team of dedicated attorneys brings decades worth of experience and in-depth knowledge of your case type.


Our attorneys pride themselves on being responsive and transparent during your whole case. When you have questions, you get answers within 24 hours or less.


The attorneys at Frish Law Group know how to get the job done. They tirelessly fight on your behalf to get you the maximum compensation you deserve.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Amazon planned to hire 150,000 seasonal staffers this year—which is a 50-percent increase from 2020—in order to handle the significant demand for purchases. Not only will the world’s largest online retailer hire temporary workers to help store, pack, and ship items from its warehouses, but it will also hire delivery drivers to drop off orders.

Online shopping has steadily increased in recent years. Consumers spent $126 billion online during the holiday season in 2018 alone. In order to meet demand, many drivers will deliver hundreds of packages each day and struggle to meet strict deadlines, especially when it comes to next-day and two-day delivery windows.

According to a 2019 report by ProPublica and BuzzFeed News, Amazon delivery drivers have been involved in over 60 collisions resulting in injuries or death since June 2015. The joint investigation found that drivers felt immense pressure because they had been running behind fulfilling orders and that Amazon generally avoids liability for crashes.

Many drivers also work for Amazon subcontractors. If a car accident occurs, those contractors are often liable, rather than Amazon itself. While many subcontractors carry liability insurance, their financial resources are significantly less than the online retailers that hire them.

Car accidents involving delivery drivers can have multiple parties, such as the driver himself/herself, the driver’s employer (e.g., logistics company or subcontractor), the online retailer, the loading company, or even the auto part manufacturer.

The following are several safety tips to consider when driving close to or near a delivery driver:

If you have been injured in an accident caused by a delivery driver in Woodland Hills or Los Angeles County, call Frish Law Group, APLC at (818) 480-3885 or fill out our online contact form today to schedule a free case evaluation. Our firm has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of our clients.

personal injury attorneys

Giving You Solutions, Not Just Options

When you are injured because of someone else’s negligence or involved in a legal matter, we take it personally. We fight on your behalf until you receive the maximum amount of compensation you deserve.